Generic Article

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This is the introduction to the Generic article. It seeks to outline what shall follow.

Section 1: Explanation of the theme of the article in laymans terms

An image to illustrate the article.

The generic article is a completely average article that follows all of the typical themes of run-of-the-mill articles. The layout is entirely normal and without imagination. The first section gives an overview of the subject without going into much detail, generally because the writer is aware that nobody shall read beyond it. This section will most likely include a picture to help illustrate the article. The sections that follow will dissect the various aspects of the article in greater detail, and may cover things such as history and closely related subjects. It may also later include links to related artciles, sources, and references.

Section 2: Aspects of the subject studied in further detail

The second section of the article extends upon the ideas already brought forward and continues to develop a chosen few of them in an uninteresting much-the-same manner as the first section did. New themes are brought forward, but all lack imagination and are intended to create a padding effect, lengthening the generic article and creating the momentary illusion to readers that some thought was put into it. After referencing overused established site jokes it runs out of steam and makes way for the third section, essentially the same but with different aspects of the subjects discussed and made comment about. Another picture may be utilised for presentation, though this is not as necessary as the first section has already covered this.

Section 3: History related to the subject of the article

The boring and completely unoriginal layout for articles is a result of the example set by wikipedia. Each article on the site must be laid out in this way or the editor is named as a vandal and banned forever. This has caused a wave effect and now 99% of articles on any site follow this pattern, with the other 1% being deemed shite and often targeted by vandals.