Get Born Again Inside Our Tents!!!!

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Ever wonder what it's like to be a baby and experience your own birth?

Come to our circus tent and you'll find out

There's a 20 foot woman there

She's lying on the dirt in the middle of the stage

With elephants and clowns dancing around her

If you raise your hand eagerly enough

You get to be the lucky volunteer

You get to go up between those legs


That's right, we'll put your body inside her.

And then there will be a drum roll.

She'll scream and sweat and push and push and push

And the clowns will poke at her with sticks

And then you'll come rolling out wet and fresh

And we'll put you in a cage with a diaper and a big barbed wire rattle

While the audience takes flash photography

Then we'll shove you out so we can go to the next town

With the woman in a truck

And you'll probably put your normal clothes back on and go get coffee