IllogiGames:Getaway 16

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You did it!

You see an open window and quickly make a decision as to your next move. You politely ask the guards to hold their fire whilst you put on your superman costume, and they agree, since you said it so nicely. Once it's on, you take a deep breath and dive at the window, which is around 12 feet off the floor. As you would expect, you just collide with the wall in front of you. You get to your feet, having dented both your pride and your face, only to be kicked in the nads by the largest, widest-legged of the guards. You decide enough is enough, and pull out the grenade launcher which has, untill now, been nestled comfortably between your buttocks. You close your eyes and fire blindly at the men, not stopping untill your finger snaps from over-usage. When you open your eyes, you find that the guards seem to have been embedded in the ceiling. Not quite believing your luck (I can't either, but writing these outcomes is becoming tiresome) you wander out of the prison, and are instantly hit by a truck.

CLOSE ENOUGH!!! Congratulations, you escaped the prison!! Give yourself a cookie.