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File:Girl on the Internet.jpg
All girls suffer from ADD.

Women are the people who are our cookers and our sex slaves. Remember, they're AWSKING FOR IT! They are here to both aid men, and to sabotage men. They only care about two things, cocks, and money. Besides, roosters R SEXY!!! To women anyways, but who understands the female mind? Women also care about tasty food, or they wouldn't bother to prepare it, since men don't always do such a great job unless they have an OMGWTFBBQ!!! Sure, men are great for opening jars, which are too tight for girls dainty hands. Besides, they might break a nail. But since women don't like eating only canned fuud, they make tasty food. Unless you count vegetables. Womens get their feelings hurt if you don't eat their vegetables. Some women like bondage, but they secretly like tying men up even more. Beware, they might come tying YOU up! Or worse yet, give you THE GLARE OF DOOM!!! Oh no, here comes one now!!!!