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Goodzilla is not to be mixed up with his e-vile brother, Godzilla.

Goodzilla helps grandma cross the street, but ends up crushing her.

He helps stop bank robbers but his eyesight is too bad to know where they are hiding.

Goodzilla is good, and not bad.

Goodzilla wrote a petition to stop piracy.

Goodzilla is Goodzilla.

Good stuff that Goodzilla does

  • Act GOOD
  • Try to act good
  • Not do bad
  • Being good
  • Goodilocks
  • Reading stories to kids, but ends up making them deaf
  • Helping bind people cross the road...if he wasn't so blind himself.
  • A BA BA BA!
  • Killing people...wait isn't that bad?

Bad stuff that Goodzilla does

Would he ever do bad stuff?

Let's see, doing drugs, killing people, poisoning them, robbing banks, eating dogs, being a Russian Reversal. Oh, i was kidding....


Stuff that can be considered Stuff


See also