Harry Pothead and the Philosopher's Bong

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Sinking to the ground, Harry grabbed the matress for support. "So, it was all a dream?? Over 12 years and a zillion pages of my life was all, just, a dream?"

"I'm sorry Harry," said Snape the social worker in a soothing voice, "You huffed some paint 10 years ago and have been in a coma ever since."

"But what about Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore and Voldemort. They all seemed so real."

"Hermione and Ron are in the next ward, Dumbledore is the cleaner, and Voldemort is the guy we get in on Thursdays to rape and torture you."



Other Harry Plopper Sequels

  • Hairy Tosser and the Chamber of "Secrets"
  • Harry Potter and the Prison Showers of Azerbaijan
  • Harry PotterTM and Selling Out to Disney
  • Horny Proster and the Half Black Chick
  • Harry Potter and the Philosophical Stoner
  • Harry Potter and the Half Blood Artist Formerly Known as Prince
  • Harry Potter and the One That No One Read
  • Harry Potter, Episode 7: Erectile Disfunction
  • Harry Potter and the Globule of Phlegm
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Paper Clip
  • Harry Potter and the Time Worn Title Formula
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Halfords
  • Harry Potter and Writer's Block
  • Harry Potter and the Long Awaited sequel Where He Finally Answers All Your Hate Mail
  • Harry Potter sues various people
  • Harry Penisface and the Childish innuendo
  • Harry Potter and the Blair Witch Project
  • Harry Potter in the Lion, The Witch, and the Plaguarism
  • Harry Potter and The Abcense of Bold Text
  • Harry Potter and the Onset of Puberty
  • Harry Prostate and the Bowel Cancer That Wouldn't Go Away