Harry Potty Mouth

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Harry: "Oh fuck I dropped me fucking wand on this piece of shit you guys call a floor."

Uncle Vernon: "Don't talk like that in this house Harry Potty Mouth and don't insult our nice hardwood flooring."

Harry: "Oh just shut the fuck up Uncle Vernor you grimey piece of shit, you know your whole like is fucking fucked up your ass. Shit, fuck."

Aunt Petunia: "Harry Potty Mouth there will be no such chatter! You know we can kick you out of this house!"

Harry: "I wish you fucking would... I wish you FUCKING would. I live under the muther fucking stairs. I have a muther fucking owl and he has needs and shit so just kick my ass out of this fucking piece of shit you call home."

Dudley: "Shut your trap Harry!"

Harry: "What are you gonna fucking do about it you fucking piece of shit fatass!"

Uncle Vernon: "That's it! We've had it with you Harry Potty Mouth and your potty mouth. This ends here!"

Harry: "Shut the hell up Uncle Vernon I could shoot a muther fucking fireball at your muther fucking face and up your ass cheeks!"

Dudley: "Just leave Harry, leave!"

Harry: "Just go away Dudley go have some muther fucking cake!"

Uncle Vernon: "I'm in the mood for cake..."

Aunt Petunia: "Pack your things Harry your leaving."

Harry: "Muther fucking great! I'm so happy I get to leave this shit hole!"

  • After packing his things and walking out the door*

Harry: "Aw fuck I got nowhere for me to go. Where's Ron and his muther fucking piece of shit car?"

This page is teabagging teabagging teabagging teabagging teabagging!!!!!
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 Oh well. 