Highway Solitaire

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Highway Solitaire is a card game exactly identical to regular solitaire, except it's played in the middle of an extremely busy eight-lane highway or interstate. This adds an element of exhileration to a game that, when played elsewhere, is notably lackin in life-threatening circumstances. The game can end in three ways: 1) the player wins by sorting all the cards properly, 2) the player is flattened by a large motorized vehicle, or 3) the player is arrested. When playing Highway Solitaire, you win extra points if cars veer away from you and crash in to each other.

Not to be confused with volcano solitaire, which is played in the magma chamber of an active volcano, Carrot Solitaire which is exactly the same as regular solitaire except when you win you scream "CARROT!", or underwater solitaire in which you hold your breath and attempt to play a full game of solitaire underwater without fainting or drowning. Or something.