Hip hop

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Guns don't kill people, beloved children's characters do.

Hip hop is a favorite activity of gangstas and wiggas involving froggies and bunnies. (The name is derived from the attempts of these little animals to escape)

The Five Pillars/Elements of Hip hop


The first element/pillar of hip hop involves taking a froggy or bunny and smooshing them onto a vynil record and hearing what the record sounds like after having the froggy or bunny smooshed onto it. This activity is called "disc jockeying" and apparently also involves horses in some obscure way. No one really knows exactly what this really is but anyways


The second element of hip hop is called "rapping" and it involves rapping up the froggies and bunnies in rapping paper like Christmas presents!


The third element of hip hop, like the first, involves smooshing the froggies and bunnies, but this time it's against a wall. By spreading their guts around, gangstas create really ugly artwork that smells nasty.


The fourth element of hip hop, breaking, involves, well, breaking the froggies and bunnies into a pieces and then dancing on their heads. OK HOT SOUP IS ON MY EYE


The fifth element of hip hop, beatboxing, involves putting the froggies and bunnies in a box and beating it until it's completely flat.

So now when people complain that hip hop is violent, you'll understand why!!

See also