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Hoobermish is the #1 vaccum cleaner cleaner brand in Gariston and most of the New World. Why, even the Generisians use it! It has sold tens of tens of bottles since its invention in 1923, not least due to the fact it is also a brilliant car wax.

The name is a portmanteau of Hoover, boob, mad and fish, as in you can hoover boobs and mad fish with the device. In fact, this is exact purpose for which the Hoobermish was originally invented; for scuba diving home-makers.

Today, the Hoobermish is mostly used as a contraceptive device and chicken sauce.


The word Hoobermish has made it into the Oxford English dictionary, which defines it as:

Hoobermish (v): To hoobermish; to throw your cat out of the window to see if it lands on its feet.


  • "Hoobermish" is Gibberish for "Meatloaf", "Caracas" and "Respectively" respectively
  • Did you know that you can shop at home with the help of the BBC?
  • Hoobermish is a registered trademark of the fnurdle

See also