HowTo:Create A Safe Password

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If you were linked to this article, chances are you're a n00b and someone's trying to help you.

Choosing a Password

The best and safest passwords are: "12345," "qwerty," "none," "secret," "20010911," and of course the safest password is "password". Other great alternatives include your birthday, your name, your dog's name, and the username for whatever site you're using.

Keeping Your Password Secure

To keep people from finding your password, share it. Tell everyone you know, and people you don't! It'll always be censored.

In emails and wiki's like this, your password will come out as: <css> /*Written by Silent Penguin

*Free to use under CC-BY-NC-SA
*If you need to steal it, god help you.

span.censtext{ text-color:black; background-color:black; padding:1px; } span.censtext:hover, span.censtext:focus{ text-color:black; background-color:white; padding:1px; } </css>God you're dumb.

In IRC, your password will come out as: ********

However, use caution saying your password aloud. It will be heard as "AVRIL LAVIGNE ROCKS MY SOCKS!! AVRIL LAVIGNE ROCKS MY SOCKS!! AVRIL LAVIGNE ROCKS MY SOCKS!! AVRIL LAVIGNE ROCKS MY SOCKS!! AVRIL LAVIGNE ROCKS MY SOCKS!!" and your friends might think you've gone mental.

What To Do If Your Password Is Stolen

“Holy crap! Someone figured out my password!”

- you on on stolen passwords

After all I taught you? Oh well. Not like it could hurt.

“But it was to my bank account!”

- you on on stolen passwords

Oh is that all? Thank God! That's nothing. Just be glad it wasn't your Illogicopedia account. They could've done some real damage. Now wait here while I log into your. . . Erm, I mean, check my email.

“Oh ok.”

- you on on stolen passwords

Hehehehe, sucker. . .


- you on on being called a sucker

Oh, um, I asked you if you'd like an eyebrow plucker. They're selling them on eBay.

“Oh. No thanks.”

- you on on eyebrow pluckers
