Humans and the Internet

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Today we will be learning about the way humans and the internet coexist in our society.

How does the internet live with us and how do we live with it?

What are some similar characteristics we share that help us live together?

What are some things us humans need to do to respect the internet so it can feel calm in our society?

Those are a few examples of the many questions we will be answering in today's program.

Let's begin,

How does the internet and us have a mutual understanding of each other that helps us live with one another?

You all know humans have been around longer than the internet but it was fairly easy to welcome it in to our society. However, the internet was a little nervous of us at first so here are some of the things we did to get an understanding with the internet:

For instance, we used the internet a lot and the internet likes when its being used. In return, the internet gives of entertaining things to do to waste pass our time. Such as flowing your favorite shows and movies right through hulu. Hulu, an evil plot to destroy the world...enjoy..

As you can see we are in a close relationship with the internet. Closer than some people think. A lot of people don't realize all of the things they use the internet for. We can never be truly great full for the internet but we can show our appreciation by using it all the time.

This has been a program from the Discovery Channel. All rights reserved.

Although the internet hasn't been around for a very long time it now feels like they have a relationship with us. Like a help me help you thing we have with plants.

What are some similarities us humans and the internet have in common to keep the relationship strong?

For example we both like having fun. If we both have fun together, it will only make the relationship better. There are very few things we have in common but the relationship still grows strong. But will it ever crumble? That's what we explore in the next question...

Do you ever think the internet will become more powerful and take over humans?

Some scientists say no, and others say yes. As you know we created the internet so we can control it, right? WRONG. The internet slowly grows bigger and bigger without human hands touching it. Some superstitionists are off the bandwagon after the 2000 scare and they now believe the internet will do no harm to us. Others think were giving the internet oil and keys and its just a matter of time before it fills up the car with oil, turns the key and drives off.

What are some things humans need to do to earn the Internets' respect?

Well first we can start by using the internet at least three times a day as most of you already do. That way the internet feels like we care. And frankly, we actually do. Also, if you don't have internet get it because the internet knows who has internet and uses it...

Second you can expand the internet throughout different devices and programs so we can help it grow and it will feel better about us. If so, we can hold the relationship at a steady and strong stage.

Is it bad that we are relying on the internet for just about everything and vice versa?

Here are some reasons why it is bad. First, if somehow the internet suddenly fails we may have trouble surviving. Same with the internet, if we suddenly disappear the internet won't get used.

It is good for these reasons. If we rely on each other the internet won't leave us no matter how powerful it is and the internet is easy to use so its good that most things rely on the internet for use.

Should it be a law to have a computer and the internet?

Since we rely on the internet so much I think it should be a law to have the internet. First, like I keep saying it will strengthen the relationship. The internet will realize everyone is using them three times a day and it will never think about take over us and breaking away from our mutual relationship.

Although some people cannot have a computer/the internet. For instance think of Natives and Inuit. It will be extremely hard for them to get the internet and we cannot find every Native and send them to jail. That's why I think many people will oppose this idea although, I am a firm believer of this law.

Should we allow the internet a spot in our governments?

“Fuck the president, Fuck the prime minister, Fuck any other government leaders it's the Internets' time to shine bitches!.”

- A strange man named "SilentPenguin.

As you can see we are in a close relationship with the internet. Closer than some people think. A lot of people don't realize all of the things they use the internet for. We can never be truly great full for the internet but we can show our appreciation by using it all the time.

This has been a program from the Discovery Channel. All rights reserved.