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Please note this is a phony fake convo I made up.

<Heather> hi horses
=-= Mode #wikihow +o Horses4Ever by Chanserv
<Heather> uh...
=-= Heather was booted from #wikihow by Horses4Ever ("DONT TALK TO ME!")
=-= Heather has joined #wikihow
<Heather> sheesh when did you get so grumpy.
=-= Heather was booted from #wikihow by Horses4Ever ("I SAID SHUT UP!!")
=-= Heather has joined #wikihow
<chicablog> Horses gone crazy. Be quiet or she will kick you.
=-= chicablog was booted from #wikihow by Horses4Ever ("WHY WONT PEOPLE SHUT UP")
<Heather> zomg why would i listen to you ugly person
=-= Heather was booted from #wikihow by Horses4Ever ("STFU!!!!!!!!")
=-=Heather has joined #wikihow
=-= chicablog has joined #wikihow
=-= Mode #wikihow +o Estel|Uk by Chanserv
=-= Mode #Wikihow +b Horses4Ever by Estel|uk
<Heather> thank you.
<Estel|uk> My pleasure.
<Heather> I knew that.
<Heather> Its obvious!
=-= Horses4Ever_ has joined #wikihow
<Horses4Ever_> Uhm, Heather, and chicablog, is that one of you?
<Heather> Somehow she figured out your password and opped herself.
<Horses4Ever> Ah.
<Horses4Ever> Hahahaha!
<Heather> what
<Heather> i never heared you Hahahahaha! before
<Horses4Ever> That was me silly!!
* Horses4Ever Laughs
<Heather> grr
=-= Mode #wikihow +o Heather by Chanserv
<Horses4Ever> but what the did she get ops?
<Heather> hacking into irc made me get privleges and were 
          never be allowed to be taken away
<Horses4Ever> Heather...
<Heather> Uh oh. I have the right to be me at you.
=-= Mode #wikihow +vvvv chicablog
=-= Mode #Wikihow +m
<Heather> Now you learned your lesson.
<Heather> Now you know how it feels. :) 
*heather undos everything*
<Heather> Ha!
*Horses4Ever laughs
<Heather> We had that set up for you!!!


I just made up a convo. Since it was a little pointless I think it could have a spot in ?pedia.