I am not a cheeseburger

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Five years ago, something very strange happened. It all began back when it began, back before the time where it didn't begin, and slightly after when it backed, beginning. So as you can see, you can't. Because you're blind.

You would be blind, blindingly. Blindblindblind.

When McKitty decided to fnurdle fluff, he didn't realise that "quickly, get me a cheese" burger said he. "What"

Said the person who didn't say what he had said. I didn't REALISE that we couldn't MOVE but we didn't so then kkkkkkk&&*&*&*&*&*& argh "oh no waterspout" taking out all noo))00 and everything.

"I couldn't not take, tackle, that poor" incapabale of tackling a fish taking, as a spout of burgercheese inafish.

This is so stupid.

But as everyone knows, no one knows, or even knows about their nose, knowing.
