I is m

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No really, I is M.

Okay, it isn't but if you move it up 4 letters along the alphabet, I is M. Now aren't i smart?

Not really.

But I is M.

M also be me name, so hence I is M.

Also eye is ham.

When i'm hungry, i have a tendency to eat my own eye. Yeah, it grows back contrary to popular belief contrary to popular belief.

Also i is m is I ism.

But i is not ism.

I is M.

Ya, okay, I is M. Whatever. No one cares. Except me, cause I is m.

I ism. Nooooo.

I is M.

Didn't we just go through this joke? Ehhh...you know advertising, always shows the same thing over and over again? Yeah, I is M is kind of like that.

Except i is not kind of like that.

I is M.

Thank you for stating the obvious, Captain Obvious.

Ohhh not really. I'm just doing my job.


I is M. Is is not 'm.

I is M.


I is 'M.

I is M.

Repeat slowly. Then lather and rinse your hands throughly.

The pronunciation is aye-ees-am

Or to be exact,

I is M.

Uh yeah...we kind of got that.

Oh, really?

Good. So remember, I is M.


not I is am.

I is M. When pronouncing, M is pronounced am, but M is not am.

I is M.

And now, i bid you farewell.




You're gonna say it aren't you?

I does not bid you farewell.

I is M.

Ya ya ya, we get it. I is M, M is I, M & M.


I is M.