I love you. Go to hell.

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"I love you. Go to hell." is an expression. It exhorts someone to reciprocate affectionately (while damning them to hell).

It was thought by Anaxagoras to be rarely spoken. Plato pointed out that it may be said more often than Anaxagoras thought, as there's a thin line between love and hatred. This love-hatred property has been generalized as "A thing and its opposite are almost the same."

Then came the bingle bells.

A simple philosophical transposition yields "I love hell. Go to you." This has the potential to wrench the Devil out of his dungeon and put him in a pork pie, for consumption by all.

The expression was prohibited from being reproduced without express permission from the Secretary of Lamp-posts. Despite this prohibition, somebody managed to erect a monument in Times square with the inscription "Let's have slightly more chocolate than we can handle."

Double stakes. Let's have a war - I'm buying. Ain't gonna run around on you, Vietnam.

I love you, Shephard Paste. Go to hell, Shephard Paste. How can we reconcile these two sides using only asphalt and gum? T'ways.
