IllogiGames:Challenge The Challenge/Sometimes You Challenge the Challenge

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Sometimes you challenge the challenge, and sometimes, well, the challenge challenges you.

Challenging the challenge, while challenging itself, it not as challenging as some other challenges. The time for challenges comes and goes, and the challenge of staying on top of your challenges is always challenging. This chapter addresses the challenges associated with challenging the challenge and being challenged by the challenge.

Challenging the Challenge

This is often known as just 'challenging'.

Challenging the challenge sometimes proper preparation for the ensuing challenge. While some challengers believe that entering a challenge unprepared is part of the challenge, the more conservative challenger will err on the side of safely challenging the challenge, or challenging the challenge in small challenges. This results in smaller, less challenging challenges, which, to the purist, are not challenging at all. Remember, safety is not part of the challenge. Purists argue that too much safety challenges one's ability to successfully challenge the challenge.

Challenge Challenging You

This is often known as 'being challenged'.

Once one has been challenged by the challenge, it is important to focus on the challenge at hand. This challenge may come at a time when one is already challenging a challenge. Depending on how challenging the current challenge is, the challenge of challenging both challenges is a challenge in itself. Don't doubt how challenging the challenge can get, because the challenge will always one up you if you let yourself fall into the trap of, "well, this is just too challenging."

The Duality of the Challenge

The preceding two sections illustrate the duality of the challenge. While you can challenge the challenge and the challenge can challenge you, there exists a challenging moat of paradox that surrounds these two simple challenge principles. That is: you can challenge the challenge, and be challenged by the challenged at the same time.

Think about this simple example: an individual identifies the challenge (a challenge in itself). This person challenges the challenge. While challenging the challenge, the challenge challenges back, creating a challenging feedback loop that results in more challenges. These challenges travel forward and back along the challenge feedback loop, until all challenges have been resolved. A challenging examination of this challenge feedback loop will reveal that the challenge of challenging all challenges during the challenge is the challenge. Thus, the duality of the challenge.

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