Enter the Realm

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  Enter the Realm -- Inventory -- Spells -- Bbbbbbbaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssss! Life Force: 50 Magic: 10/None

Seeing this, you go all slooooowwwww motioooonnnn with lots of after images! You quick-slowly produce two other cutlasses, sticking one safely in your mouth, and like some kind of ninja you speed up suddenly and lunge at the meat-puppet!

You first strike with some weird lotus move tearing the meat away from the robo-puppet, then you land on it's head and perform a rapid sequence of strikes perfectly severing every wire making the puppet a non-blinking figurative "head on a stick", then, using the powers of the non-logical cutlass, you rip all the electricity away from out of the puppet and jump into a helicopter move that triggers a wind-and-lightning storm that you plunge directly into the puppet's robot carapace, vaporizing it entirely!

The meat puppet is dead, unfortunately while executing the bad-ass move the controller slips from your hands and hits the worst possible button button, taking you back to a random screen that will take you at least 7 minutes to escape from.

Play again?

You know it! (7 minutes, buster!)

I don't know...

No. NEVER... AGAIN!!! (I have something fun for yoouu!)