Enter the Realm II

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  Enter the Realm -- Inventory -- Spells -- Help System Life Force: OK Magic: POWER ON INVENTORY   You have no pack.


Welcome to the Enter the Realm help system, being ran on your Ultra Fun Laptop 2009. You have requested to view the information on all items in existence in the game world currently.

Player's Defaults

These are the most important items for an adventurer; take the word 'default' with a grain of salt, as not all of these are in your possession. Only through excessive force of will were you able to keep your laptop.

Slingshot: An improvised weapon which does not break and requires no ammunition other than rocks. It is very weak, and can only hit enemies three stretches away from you. It deals low damage.

Dagger: A weapon that can be thrown or slashed with. If thrown, it disappears. Although weak, it deals massive damage when thrown.

Ornamental Rapier: This weapon performs a broad swipe which can attack two enemies, or a piercing thrust which deals a lot of damage to one enemy. However, it accomplishes this through a store of magic; only at certain points will the Rapier's magic be recharged.

Handgun: A very effective weapon. Can hit anything five paces away, and deals great damage. However, it is ineffective against armored opponents.

AP Handgun: This rare weapon is equivalent to the handgun, except its shots deal more damage to armored opponents. It uses seperate munitions.

Shotgun: The ultimate close-range killer. This weapon's ammunition is rare, and rightfully so; most things caught in the blast will be annihilated.

Staff: Like the Ornamental Rapier, the staff is a magical weapon; unlike it, it uses your magic. It fires bolts of green energy, which hit anything up to FIFTY paces away.

Claymore: This powerful weapon uses both hands, a marked disadvantage (which is often cause of arbitrary death) offset only by powerful Gloves; it deals great damage at close range, however.

Flamethrower: This burst-firing weapon deals massive flame damage to anything it gets its grubby paws on.

Si: Just... don't ask. This weapon is sickeningly powerful to the point of breaking the game.


Sage's Rose: This item allows one to use codes (added to the URL, much like spells) to bypass barriers.

Retriever (Optional): This small robot can retrieve items for you at a distance. However, it is easily lost.

Gauntlet: This makes weapons easier to wield.

Horn of Plenty: This item can generate handgun magazines.

Comic Book: This lightly enchanted item, when read, accomplishes a variety of effects.

Toaster: This item can be used to toast things.

Scanner: This eldritch peripheral for the UF Laptop allows one to read *any* language.

Key Items