IllogiGames:Invasion of Illogiland/Killdudes

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You lunge at the computer guys with your knife.

But, before you can deal a blow, a voice comes from behind you:

"Not zo fast, chump!"

You grimace as you turn round, slowly. To your surprise, this person seems to be a WW2 Austrian soldier! Evidently, he was working on something -- no doubt an evil, nefarious plan -- at the other side of the room.

"Vell, vell. Vot have ve here?"

"Who the hell are you?" you sneer.

"I'm Testicles von Trapp III and I hear you're here to take over this building." he scowls as he points a gun at you.

"That's right," you reply confidently. "What are you gonna do to stop me, pussy pants?"

"Hey, zese trousers are leopard skin!"

The sound of mass laughter roars. As you look to your right, there's a large studio audience watching proceedings! The computer dudes also snigger.

"What the Hellk?"

No time for procrastination. Testicles is already upon you!

What do you do?