
From Uncyclopedia test II
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You start the arduous journey towards home wearing a now considerably smelly police uniform that seems to be attracting a lot of attention from bearded men, with a glass shard skewering your manhood and a tea scolded torso. Along the way a stray dog notices you and starts following you. As your attention is distracted by a penny on the ground it picks it's moment and bites your bum. Gasping in pain you roll over and allow the dog to run off with your trousers. As you think things can't get any worse, they do. An old women remembers your displaying genitalia from the news broadcast about the hostages. After complaining loudly about you interrupting coronation street she calls the police. Sirens sound.

Steal their zimmoframe and escape
Run into the nearby back alley
Steal her phone and tell the police it's a hoax
Call the police
Put your hands in the air
Pinch Yourself in the hope that you're dreaming