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Through the application of a handbrake turn you manage to spin the car around. Both cars come to a halt. A dusty wind blows, scared women run into saloons and a tumble weed rolls by. You glare at the opposition whilst the theme tune from The Good the Bad and the Ugly plays faintly in the background. You reach slowly for the gear stick as do they. It's then that they "call chicken"; they literaly yell out "Chicken". You shoot them a quizzical look. They point at you and again shout chicken, now you're confused. You look slightly upwards to where they're pointing. To your horror you discover a spur-wearing chicken is on top of the sun roof. Like the bead of cold sweat running down your forehead the chicken falls downwards - through the bashed up sunroof. Afrter much slashing and sqwacking there isn't much left alive in there, especially where you're concerned. Having somehow subdued the bird you are then wrenched out of the car and proceed to lay dazed in the road surrounded by the men. Emabarrased and with an egg on your face you receive your fist shaped slice of humble pie.

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