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You speed away from them, receiving excruciating pain from the glass in your groin all the while. You go over an unecessary number of speedbumps, You go over some more speed bumps, their sentual bumping seems to arouse you. Of course, to counter your speed the following car slows down. All seems won but then one of the guys pops out of the sunroof with a rocket launcher. You swerve left to avoid the incoming shot which ploughs straight into an old woman, leaving nothing but the lingering musk of fail. You turn your attention back to the road to find you're now doing 70 through a crowded shopping mall. After mowing down what seems like the hundreth kid you realise there are some unavoidable steps coming up.

In a moment of sublime clarity you grab a gun from the glove compartment and put the pedal to the metal. Unable to look away you watch in passive amusement as the car launches off the steps out through a window and into the high street, where the Naked BDSM Gay Pride Parade (NBDSMGPP) is taking place. The car comes to a neat halt in the centre of the main float. With mild concussion you stumble out of the car. It's then that you become aware of your surroundings and take account of three very important things:

  • You're clothes got caught in the car door and were ripped from your body as you exited the vehicle.
  • You are still carrying the gun.
  • A large quantity of aroused naked men with whips are walking towards you.

Think Fast!

Make your way to the nearby clothes shop whilst shooting any of the advancing men
Tell them "No means no! and that you have the right to defend yourself as a woman
Pull out your pepper spray and ice these mofos.
Politely explain that you are rather busy at the moment and besides have a large shard of glass preventing anyone getting further than second base with you.
Run like Duck!