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You grab the gun and lean out of the window to shoot the guys. The effect is somewhat ruined as your car slows down and stops (due to your lack of driving it), the unlocked door you're leaning out of swings open. You fall out of the car and down a manhole directly outside where the door is (some luck). You straighten yourslef up to find you're in the middle of secret underground major drugs deal and you've landed on the main gangleader.

Jokingly explain your predicament and part with the fellows on ammicable terms
Slash at the gang with the glass piece nestling in your genitals whilst using the semi-concious gang leader as a human shield
Run like duck!
Offer favours in return for your life
Use your "gangsta speak" to convince them you're one of them
Yell to them franticly that the police are coming
Do the Okey Cokey
Close your eyes and hope it all goes away