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You somehow frighten off the pursuers with your low quality revving but push the glass shard further through your netheregions towards your rectum. In your pain you accidently nudge the handbrake and kick down on the accelerator. You are thrown into the backseat where your arm is broken as it slams against a tickle-me elmo. The car, now going considerably fast, flies over a speedbump causing a wheel to fall off and role into an old man's groin; You smash against the windscreen where another shard of glass lands in your eye. You open your remaining eye, which at all time previous to this point had been resting (lazy eye) to find yourself flat on the bonnet with a mercedes emblem lodged in your back. As the car hurtles down a hill towards the Imax cinema you crawl slowly towards the interior in an effort to stop the proceedings, it's then things happen very quickly. You grab the steering wheel which breaks clean off, seconds before the car crashes into a wall resulting in your corpse's flight through the iMax window and past a stunned audience with 3D goggles.

Rest assured the audience give the movie the best reviews any 3D movie has ever seen. The janitor eats your body.

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