: IllogiNews:Cow runs for mayor of Delaware

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This article is part of IllogiNews, your sauce for chips and sausages.

Shown here is Fluffy, deliberately mooning the camera.

Dover, Delaware -- A lot of crazy things have been happening recently. None, however, have been so strange as a cow running for Mayor.

Well, today it happened. Fluffy, a cow who currently resides on the Animal Farm, has announced that it will run for Mayor of Delaware, as quoted:



This literally translates to:

I, the great Alfred T. Fluffy, have decided that in the coming election, I will run for Mayor of the state of Delaware.


There has been much protest against Fluffy running for Mayor. Some say it will cause shame and disgrace on their good state of Delaware. Of course, nobody really cares about that state much anyway.

Shown here is Mr. Kong, the current Mayor, who has nothing to say.

The current major, Mr. Kong, currently has nothing to say on the subject.

Fluffy hiding from the paparazzi, on the far right.

Fluffy, however, is getting a lot of hatred, in the form of hatemail and even some death threats. Fluffy is now trying to blend in with others to avoid haters and paparazzi.

In other news, this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to cows since a murder of cows.


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Forum:Sign here if you would vote for a cow as Mayor
