IllogiNews:Soviet Cows deport IRC back to Eurasia

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This article is part of IllogiNews, your sauce for chips and sausages.

        *TReich	noses the air hopefully for signs of life
	<Tori_Belliachi>	I'm always here, I'm just invisi-bull
	<TReich>	i didn't know cows had mastered subterfuge
	<Tori_Belliachi>	Pffft, cows are geniuses. They know teleportation too, just ask Magical Trevor.
	<TReich>	Me and Trev don't get on anymore. Ever since he teleported my cheese wheel back to his wife's udders we haven't seen eye to eye
	<Tori_Belliachi>	Owch... tried calling the Internet Police?
	<TReich>	They just, as they termed it "OMG LOL"'s
	<TReich>	i cried
	<Tori_Belliachi>	Goddamn incompetent tweets
	<Tori_Belliachi>	e.g. this one
	<TReich>	nice, i sepecially liked the young effeminate chap with his moobs hanging hither and tither
	<Tori_Belliachi>	....O_o
	<Tori_Belliachi>	You sound like you're spying on me D:
	<TReich>	only a little bit
	<TReich>	I'm only slightly ILLEGAL in my approach
	<Tori_Belliachi>	Goddamn ILLEGAL people >=o
	<TReich>	drat, i said the quiet bit loud and the loud bit quiet
	<TReich>	them and their ILLEGALality
	<Tori_Belliachi>	Should deport you ILLEGAL people back to Eurasia
	<TReich>	getch yourass back to eurasia
	<Tori_Belliachi>	Yes sir :<
	<TReich>	I mean now
	<TReich>	no more internet until you've left the country
	[ERROR]	Unknown command “bad”.
	* Tori_Belliachi	goes to Western Russia
	<TReich>	or
	<TReich>	you could've just eaten your greens and we wouldnt be in this mess
	<Tori_Belliachi>	Ewwwwww... I'd go for Eurasia
	<Tori_Belliachi>	Because in Soviet Russia, greens eat YOU
	<TReich>	but eurasia smells of sweat fear and cheap knock-off euro disney
	<TReich>	that they do
	<Tori_Belliachi>	Delicious irony, you must eat it
File:Trash stamp.png
  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere.