Illogic Book/Page 30

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So Idunno went to the café, weirdly bringing the TV along.

The café

Idunno walked into the café. He was given a table, and then received complimentary muffins.

The television meditated hard about the muffins. It meditated, and meditated. It prayed to the muffins that he would someday become a beautiful princess, so it would no longer have to endure the Green Heads show. Then it realized (as much as a television can, because a television has no mind) that because Idunno didn't know how to get to San Antonio, the television could never be his device for watching the Green Heads show.

At that moment, someone burst through the door.

"Phew! A café! I'll need some food after traveling here all the way from San Antonio!"

This was obviously horrible news for the television.

"Un café es un plátano," Idunno said.

At that moment, the television turned into a beautiful, BEAUTIFUL...

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