Illogic Book/Page 36

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"There is something seriously wrong with my list," said Marvin, at which the music he was playing switched to a piece. There was something seriously wrong with it -- Marvin could tell that from the sound, and he could also recognize it. It was by the Hungarian composer Franz Liszt.

"What?" said Marvin. "Now my day is being bombarded with puns!"

Just then, people started throwing puns at the calendar, aiming for the current date. This proved Marvin's point.

He began to scoop the human flesh ice cream, when it became a shovel and the ice cream became dirt. However, he was trying not to be too disturbed by the oddness of his day, and asked, "Cone or a dish?"

"Red," said the customer, which had to mean that he wanted a cone, right?

"Wait, why do you want human flesh ice cream?" asked Marvin.

"It is because I... am a vampaayah," said the customer. "HA HA HA HA HA!"

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