Illogic Book/Page 4545

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Despite this, sleep eluded SomeWhat. He was still pretty happy just lying there imobile in his bed as his organs slowly killed each other, but a nagging feeling at the back of his mind (his inner-childmother) told him that sleep was necessary.

SomeWhat sighed, and rolled over to his bookshelf. What did he have that would reteach him how to go to sleep. His bookshelf, had an interesting reading list, but nothing seemed appropriate to the situation:

The Books SomeWhat had available

  • "A Beginners Guide to Snoozing" by Uncle Onsciouse
  • "Dreaming for Dummies" by A. Crash Test Dummy
  • "Sleep, how, why, and who to sue?" by Lee Zee-Booger
  • "HowTo:Sleep" from WikiHow
  • "HowTo:Sleep for the Illogic Pickle" by The Killer Fruit Cake
  • "Tired Eyes" by Watership Down
  • "Nodding Off" by Z. Z. Zzzzzzz
  • "The Oxford Dictionary" compiled at the Royal University of Cambridge
  • "Get Ya Tits Out Luv:A Retrospective" by that Builder
  • "Sleepy Time" by the Illogic Book

SomeWhat decided for starters he'd try out the Oxford Dictionary, that might help. And to be honest, it was the best of a bad bunch, none of the rest had any prospect of relating to sleep at all.

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