Illogic Book

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The Illogic Book is not an actual book. Rather, it is a story (actually, it has become more of a collection of stories) full of nonsensical events that takes the form of several web pages. The Illogic Book is on the website Illogicopedia, a site full of nonsense that anyone can edit. In fact, you are reading its preface, and you -- yes, you -- can add a new story to the Illogic Book. In fact, if you do, you will be making the chicken happy. There is no one owner of the Illogic Book, so feel free to add to it, anyone. Boing to you all!

The Illogic Book is, in fact EPIC

This article has been deemed
because it's cool enough to curdle cheese.
See more EPICS

Title Page | Preface | Contents | Page 1