Illogic Poem Book/Page 15

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"The Longest Poem Ever to Grace Illogicopedia" by T3canolis

Keys, letters; all in my mind
The amazing verses I find
Crazy antics come alive
But these wacky things thrive
Thrive; thrive, work so well
If illogic is a sin; I'm going to hell
The Devil's thinking, "Oh that's swell"
But he's already got dibs on Mel
I see my work and say, "Oh that's good"
But will that last line be understood?
I linked it up like you should
Main namespace? Well I could
Nope, promote this epic fail
Bad ideas, put me in jail
Just cover your ears as I cry and wail
Please just tell me the bail
One million? That's a load of shit
I'll guess I'll pay it bit by bit
Maybe I can get out, with my charm and wit
Oh crap, the judge is having a fit
1 month; that's just great
And O.J's my damn cell mate
Someone kill me, I beg of you
What's a scrawny writer to do?
Over; done with; done my time
Oh crap, what word should I rhyme?
I'm sorry for the wasted hours I took
With this gay-ass Illogic Poem Book
But you think it is done; no sir
When will it? I'm not sure
Silent Penguin could finish it in a blur
He's got more blocks than David McClure
No that name wasn't a fluke
He used to play basketball at Duke
But really he wasn't that great
I just remember him from College Hoops 2k8
11:23; should I go to bed?
Nope. I'll jot down things in my head
I remember dinner; that was nice bread
I'm glad we didn't get biscuits instead
No, I'm not lying that's what I ate
Why do you not ask about what you hate?
As Ryan would say, "C'mon, mate!"
Believe me, that Italian bread was great
Amazing, as you could say
I could say scrumptious but that would be gay
Sorry MMF, if I offended you in a way
I just used it for this wordplay
Speaking of words, that's what I write
I could do this thing through the night
Got no sleep, but it's alright
Just drink some coffee and grab a bite
But really, I hate coffee a lot
Don't like it cold; don't like it hot
It's just that bitterness that it's got
"Drink some coffee!" no I will not
Same thing with tea
Cannot stand
Ew. Good taste free
Not even bland
No, Testes, it's not cause it's British
The only plus is it doesn't make you skittish
Now you find a word that rhymes with that
I dare you; don't be all lazy and fat
What am I doing now? I won't regret
I'm just kicking it like Leon Lett
Yahoo special alert? I will not embrace
Let it roll by like Buckner at first base
Are you getting any of these references
Want me to stop? What are your preferences?
So don't search through vast multimedia
Just type it in on Wikipedia
They're both sports by the way
So don't go searching all day
And British sports are pretty gay
"Go America" here me say
So thanks for reading
You're eyes will stop bleeding
But you will end up with major burns
I wasted five minutes; no returns
