Insane moon landing

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The insane moon landing was that other moon landing that got no media or press attention but it was good, if not better than the original. It went a bit insane as you might have guessed. If you knew it was insane then you a mind reader, lol! Don't.

The initial stages

Buzz Ballsrin was the guy who trod on a turd as his foot came down on the moons soil. He famously said...

“It's one small step in a turd for man, one giant leap into a huge pile of guano for mankind.”

- Buzz Ballsrin]

It kinda went tits up from there, when a space monkey placed a banana skin under their communications system which slipped up and got smeared on the walls of time. In turn the whole crew got stranded and died.

What else is there to say? It's tragic.