Invisible Toads

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You see, it was one of those days. You know those days? One of the those days (yes, those ones). I was running through the forest, you see, on this day, having a race against time. I never saw who crossed the finishing line first, though, because all of a sudden, something leapt out at me! I almost had a haircut I was so frightened! The creature was quite small, bald with a lot of hair, and had three fingers on the end of it's nose-toe. It made a sound like a deflated washing-basket when it moved, and it's eyes were a purple-blue-black-purple-white-red colour that was completely black. It was at that moment that I knew it was just one of those days. (Yes one of those days). I had a stumbled upon an invisible toad! Quickly, I severed my leg and fed it to my wife. And we all lived happily ever after.

Then, suddenly, all these rabbits (yes, donkeys!) jumped out from behind the elephant. The elephant grabbed me with their eyeballs and preceded to squash my rabbits (i mean toads) and then these donkeys (no, rabbits!) cascaded out of a molten waterfall of cascading cascade (i mean mangoes).

How to spot a visible tood

1. Second, get your brush

2. Firstly, eat it

3. Then grab another brush.

4. Using paint from the toenail of a whale, paint spots on the tood

7. Skip three steps.

3. It's not one of those days.

And that's how you spoot a carpool.

And then I knew it was two of those days

Or maybe four.

(Yes, mangoes!)