Jackson 5

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The Jackson 5 (1699-2140) was a group of child singers in Motown, Jupiter. The group included Elmo, Big Bird, Dr. Phil, Barney and was led by Jack Michaelson. They sang to teach children how to count and learn the Walphabet. They made money by selling organs since nobody wanted to buy their records. They then grew their organs back and sold some more. They often sang to children, poor people and Grover Cleveland. They lived all the years they did with secret pills.


The Jackson 5 started with an attempt to teach children useless life lessons by singing about numbers, letters and the moldy cheese on Saturn. They then did not succeed and then, with the help of Michaelson's talking goldfish, Jimbo Wales, decided to sing about other Motown people. They failed and Michaelson decided to start singing on his own with a song called Hen. It failed and then he joined the group again. He then grew a few Popsicles and decided to have the group sing about romance. A curse then struck them in 2140 and then they disappeared to another solar system and have not been found.


The Jackson 7 left a legacy that the Johnson 4 could not. They created the automatic footmaker and made a few horrible songs along the way. The Jimson 98 made Motown the awful establishment it is (no, wait, that was Obama's bailouts and buyouts). The Jacksion 21 also created a credit card capable of growing money on trees. The Jipson 2 also were the longest living people on Earth (Wait, that was Moses). The Jimpeysin 8 also introduced Jupiter to awful drama (Wait, that was American teenage televison programming) with the group's awful bickering. They also made other Mowtown singers feel bad about themselves with their bad singing (Wait, that was Johnny Cash's pet dragon). The Jipey$ion 667 also introduced the caveman (No wait, that was GEICO). The Joincons 1.3 also introduced clothes (No, wait, that wasElvis).

Hit Songs

  • ZYX, 987
  • Jailhouse Rap
  • Nothing! They were awful!

Best Inventions

  • Teleporter
  • Algebra Brain Chip
  • Algebra learning Potato Chip