Man Plays Fiddle!

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File:Irish fiddle.jpg
"I don't believe it!"

Yes, I'm not joking, today a man has played the fiddle.

I'm standing outside of his house right now where he has yet to return from getting his key to the city from the mayor.

Here's how it all happened.

He was watching TV, reruns of Seinfeld I'm assuming. When, miraculously he pulled out the old dusty fiddle he had been saving in his garage until he was done watching Seinfeld.

He began to play, and soon the entire town wanted a piece of the action.

Wait! Wait! He's pulling into the driveway right now, I repeat, right now! Sir, sir, what do you have to say about you great accomplishment.

"No comment, no comment."

Sir, please, this is just to amazing to comprehend. What was going through your mind as you played the instrument?

"That's between me and my lawyer. Have a nice day."

No sir, wait!

Well he apparently isn't in a talking mood right now. Back to you guys in the studio.