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How Does One Discover the Truth about Mandibles?

Mandy... Bulls?

Mandibles, mandibles... If I told you about Mandibles, you'd likely go Insane, and I'm sure we wouldn't want that now, eh? Yes? ... Well, never mind then.

Let me tell you, m'boy, we didn't have mandibles back in my day... We had to use PITCHFORKS, just like everyone else. And we were happy with it! You young grasshoppers today don't know what your own hooters are masticating with, why, when I was a greasy baboon I...Zzzzzzz


eef ah wur ta teyl yuh whut ah kno abowt mahn-dey-bowls, yu'd prubly gow... whassat wird? CRYZEH. Whut aym ah tol-kin abowt? cayn yoo nut unner-stan meh? hei, cowm bach heah naow! ah hanneh feeneshed tawlkin t'yu abowt thee mayn-duh-bools!

Man, dibbles.

Ah, you're talking about my Butler, eh old chap? Well, Dibbles isn't a bad sort, but he doesn't quite have the horepower he used to, back in the jolly old day... Used to ride me like a bally... Er, I mean, rather... Oh, buggery! Set the elephant on him, Dibbles! We'll roger his jolly to the Jolly Roger, by Jove!

Y'know, I rather think that mandibles aren't bloody well worth knowing a goose's cahoon about.