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Manrainbows are rainbows for real men. They are best known for their badass looks, their hardcore-awesome skills, and their uncanny ability to pick up smokn' hawt chicks.

Formation of a manrainbow

A manrainbow is formed when high pressure clouds of totally hot chicks showing their boobies combine with low pressure clouds of either pure testosterone or football. The ensuing tornado-like storm is known as a "manstorm" by many experts, and is characterized by its strong winds, lack of self-control, and unusual habit of groping unsuspecting women. Eventually, the manstorm will die down, grow more mature, and become a manrainbow, known only to grope women at parties once they've had too much to drink and mostly just for the fun, that's all. No biggie.

How to spot a manrainbow

To spot a manrainbow, stand directly behind it and hold your arms out and ready. A manrainbow will often do around 20-30 reps on a 150 lb press. Afterwards, they may go work their glutes for while. This is a time when you can rest, catch your breath, maybe get a drink of water. Be prepared to take a few light-hearted insults, and/or to get pushed around a bit as your guns are most likely not nearly as raw as the manrainbow's or any of his crew.