Master Troll

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Troll Humor This article contains liberal amounts of Troll Humor
Some will love it, some will hate it, some will love and hate it - they be trolling... it's either a big plate of fail or a whole cup of awesome depending on taste. U Mad?

Seriously though - if you are offended by this stuff get the heck off this page!

“Hey! while you read this page I'm hacking your account! U Mad?”

the Master Troll manifests in order to perform a vital duty in the cosmos - pissing people off

Master Troll is an important figure in the Internet Mythology, the patron deity of Trolls and master of the Lulz he appears in many stories and can be both a benevolent figure and a malevolent one depending on the story - he has a special fondness for the Internet Chan tribes and many Chan tribes (such as the 4chan tribe) claim to be under his protection.


The Beginning (Forum Of The Gods)

the aftermath of Master Troll's first manifestation in the legendary Forum Of The Gods

In the beginning of the Internet there existed a legendary Forum Of The Gods, it was a place where the Internet Gods could gather and talk about things nobody cared about and generally waste away their eternal existences whining at one another about how the Internet should evolve. For many years the Forum Of The Gods remained this way and the Internet was a dull place indeed, then out of the sea of whining a powerful new force was born in the form of Master Troll. Taking the guise of an Internet God Master Troll entered the Forum Of The Gods and successfully started the first flamewar, causing the Internet Gods to destroy the Forum Of The Gods in a sea of fiery rage and nerd-rage - from the wreckage of the shattered Forum Of The Gods was spawned the many Internet Sites that would help shape the Internet as it is known today. Having accomplished his first important task Master Troll did utter the now famous line "U Mad?" - which would become a battlecry for his future followers and a symbol of rebellion against whiny gods nobody liked.

The Age Of Lol

So began the golden age of the Internet, known as the Age Of Lol - during the Age Of Lol Master Troll walked amongst the mortals of the Internet and taught them the art of trolling, grieving and general wackiness: during the Age Of Lol countless sites emerged to glorify Master Troll and his followers spread far and wide. However as with all stories there were still villains, beings who wished to return to the whiny past of the Forum Of The Gods and they waged war with the followers of Master Troll: these great battles would be summed up by Master Troll himself with these words of wisdom "U Mad?".

Master Troll Versus Epic Fail Guy

The Age Of Lol lasted for many years but came to a dramatic end when a powerful opponent to Master Troll was created in the form of Epic Fail Guy, who proceeded to sweep across the Internet and cause massive failure to occur wherever he went. At first Master Troll approved of Epic Fail Guy and declared him a fellow troll until Epic Fail Guy committed a grave sin against Master Troll via causing Master Troll to fail, an act that infuriated Master Troll and caused the "Mother Of All Battles". The "Mother Of All Battles" lasted for seven days and seven nights without stop and Master Troll unleashed the full power of the Lulz against Epic Fail Guy, who in turn almost overpowered Master Troll with his unrivalled control over failure. In the end however Master Troll managed to defeat Epic Fail Guy and saved the Internet, Master Troll celebrated by hacking into the accounts of his followers and infini-banning them while uttering his victory cry of "I did it for the Lulz".

The Battle Of The Chans

After Master Troll gave his followers back their accounts and most of their bank credits (keeping only *half* of their life savings) he would intervene in the Battle Of The Chans. Unable to decide which of the Chan Tribes he favored the most Master Troll decided to pit them all in a massive battle to see which of them could troll the hardest, unfortunately for Master Troll even he had underestimated the ability of the Chan Tribes to troll and their war soon erupted into a hundred year saga that is still widely talked about in the Internet Mythology.

Ascension Of The Master Troll

After the Battle Of The Chans ended Master Troll decided to, in his own words "get the hell outta here" and ascended to the Great Beyond that is said to exist somewhere *beyond* the Internet - his followers asked to go with him but Master Troll comforted them by stating "sorry, you're too stupid to ascend - U Mad?". Saddened by their leader vanishing but recieving much lulz from his parting words the followers of Master Troll accepted their fate and bade farewell to their patron god - awaiting his prophecised return..

Current Activities

Master Troll is now one of the Ascended Internet Gods and is said to exist in the Great Beyond - although by all rights Master Troll should stay the heck away from the Internet now he still manifests in times of great need to lead his people and deliver great Lulz to the residents of the Internet.

The Prophecy

According to the ancient prophecy of the Chan Tribes Master Troll will return once more to do battle with a revived Epic Fail Guy at some point in the future and the two gods shall once again engage in a "Mother Of All Battles" - only this time round only one shall survive.. many have tried to guess the date in which Master Troll and Epic Fail Guy shall meet again but as of yet no one knows. Since it is generally believed to be impossible to tell when or if Master Troll and Epic Fail Guy shall emerge most followers of Master Troll live by the philosophy of "keep on trolling" - hoping that by doing so they will please Master Troll should he ever bother to show up.