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So... what is meaningless?

Bob: You're mom! Wait! She was pretty meaningful last night in bed!

Okay. Bob's life is meaningless.

Bob: You're just mad because you're gonna have a half brother and I'm gonna be the daddy!

Yes Bob, I am angry about something you didn't do. Anyway, that just shows that you're stupid enough to go on a one-night stand without protection.

Bob: No Trojan could hold me back!

Bob, why don't you go...

Bob: Go what? You wanna start somethin' with me?! You wanna go?

No Bob, I do not want to "go".

Bob: Good, 'cause I've got this 9 millimeter and you know what I'll do.

Where the hell would you get a nine millimeter? You're fourteen years old!

Bob: I've got my sources...

Where? Where?

Bob: Gun shops. Anyone can buy one.

Do you have any idea about laws? A teenager can't stroll into a gun shop and buy some guns! Not even an adult can do that!

Bob: By nine millimeter I mean the size down there. Wait I mean nine foot.

Bob, do you have any idea how long a foot is.

Bob: I'm not stupid. This long.

Bob that's only like ten inches.


The moral of the story is, that conversation was Meaningless.