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Medicine is rather like food except that it's better for you. Eating too much food will cause you to explode. Eating too much medicine will simply make you supernaturally well.

Medicine was developed during the Dark Ages by Leonardo Da Vinci who was searching for a way to fly a helicopter to the moon. It's not known how or why medicine was invented in this way but it definitely was.

There are two types of medicine - human medicine and animal medicine. Most people prefer animal medicine because they don't like eating humans. But each to their own.

Diseases which can be cured by medicine include:

  • the common cold
  • the uncommon cold
  • the cold with aspirations of being something special but which is ultimately destined to live a dull life without any achievements of note apart from one time on its 30th birthday when it has sex with two women at the same time
  • Warts with really long hairs out the middle
  • sagitarius
  • Leo the Lion (growl!}
  • Liza Minelli
  • seasonal affective disorder (DSO)
  • potato blight
  • terrorism