Mental Capacity

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You don't seriously mean everyone I know has something better to do than converse inanely with me?



Ah to hell with the lot of you.

I don't need friends!

I always have my imagination.

That's like half a friend.

Maybe an acquaintence you're on nodding terms with.

And oh how I'll nod!

I need a hobby.

The hobby rejected me!

The bastard.

Apparently I came on too strong, am meant to leave enthusiasm for the second date.

Like that'll work.

..I guess there's always escapism, I made it to second base with her.

but she is with that new man, fiction.

And he says he's hung like a donkey. But non-fiction has hinted otherwise.

I love them two, always fighting. We should get 'em back on wikipedia, that always solved the problem. Seems to help them put aside their diffrences and become a team again.

Hey, suicide wants to meet up, cool!