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The mogwai rodent. So endearing that hundreds of activists want to save it from extinction
The band. Notice how the lead singer is bald: this is because their music accidentally gave him brain cancer

Mogwai are a species of rodent, or, more commonly, a band. Mogwai (the band)'s songs tend to be 2 minutes of speech from a civil rights activist followed by a slow build-up of guitar static until your eardrums implode. And then the drums kick in. Scientists christened the band Mogwai (who were previously known as "Miasma and the Carousel of Headless Horses at Night the Band Formerly Known as Rainbow Vein Aurora the Cloud of Love and Other Pertaining Emotive Reactions") after discovering that some of their songs were noises exactly like that of the mogwai rodents. Some songs are literal translations (such as "Like Herod", a song well over 10 minutes long that in informal mogwai means literally "like herod[1][2] or in informal is a libertarian socialist essay) while others a mere interpretation of famous mogwai speeches ("R U Still In 2 It" is an interpretation of a mogwai's mating call, while "Punk Rock" the result of a group of mogwai conducting a coup and overtaking their present leader). Mogwai is best listened to with padded speakers[3] while wearing a "Blur: are Shite" T-shirt.


  1. Probably a reference to Herod, messiah of the mogwai rodents' culture / religion
  2. Coincidentally, the character Herod in bliblical stories was a man who tried to kill Jesus, the christian messiah.
  3. Do NOT under any circumstance listen to Mogwai with earphones or headphones, unless you want weather pressure to increase immensly in one very small area.


Mogwai from the movie Gremlins