Movie theater

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A movie theater is a vehicle designed for the military.


In the year 1852, an eeble sonk's great great great great great grandfather was developing a superweapon capable of distracting enemy forces with quality entertainment. Though it successfully entertained test subjects, it did very little to stop the more sane enemies of Illogiland. Thus, it was given to greedy sonks called managers, who proceeded to brainwash the public into buying overpriced food and drink to watch Uwe Boll films. UGH!


  • On the front, two concealable popcorn turrets designed to shoot oncoming enemies with buttery goodness. Unfortunately, managers were too freaking stingy to use popcorn as a weapon and instead charged insane prices for it.
  • On the sides, there can be anywhere between eight to 144 candy turrets. As with the popcorn, they were never used due to greedy managers and fat Americans who were dumb enough to buy the overpriced candy.
  • For flight, SUPER ROCKET JETS on the underside powered by soda. Yet again, managers chose to be greedy retards.

Movie Theaters as Vehicles

It is fairly uncommon to see movie theaters driven during these days, since most of them belong to greedy managers. However, an interior crocodile alligator claims to drive one.
