My Dumb Article is Back!!

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hey look the air is squashing.

the girl squashs a bleu nose because Corbin Blue is stuck in her body

but how did he get stuck in da frst plce???

the air is squashing it is squashing to my house now if you have no air squash to a party sleepover in my house.

The robot squashed down the moon and it landed in the entire UK. Now, the moon went up again and then the uk will squash in the sky at night be blibned by whiteness and when the sun is out beware for total coldnessss and no light at all

the lawnmower is making Europe shrtr.

aklsdlaldklajdkldouund erstandthisakldjlkasjd klasjkldouunderstandth isklajdklsajdklaslkdou understandthisaklsjdkl ajdkljdouunderstandthi sajdklad

why are you squashing this it is so important squash a life tomato.

tomatos are using the USA as an airplane n canada will get tomatos crashed on top of 700,000,000 buildings letys shee if skfal yuk erpotsklj arhtrje you are the luchjkadjka cky one.

beware if you are in all the othr prtz of da wrld thn a giant banana/pumpkin that you see to the top lft crnr of dis page thatis the bana na\pumpkin that w i l l b e s m a s h e d . now the purple shirt is freeky.

squash the water in the freezer for the year then lemme see ya squash it.

i am then mst intllgnt prsn mre intlgent thn albrt instin n ths s hw u r supsd 2 spll

ths s nthr vrsion f my lnguag

23 2 3 34 3 54 54 54 6 56 45 53 4 3 4 2 32 3 54 6 566 3 2 32

i dnt apprcite ur tme rdin ths u
