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Announcer Guy: Welcome to channel 98 1/2 11:47 o'clock news. Here's your anchors, LeChitzo Marcellus and Wendy Storm.
LeChitzo: Welcome and we have breaking news. It seems that every single nuclear plant in the world has blown up today. Our roving reporter has the story.
Roving Reporter: Oh crap I'm dying from the radiation! Save me camera man no!!!
Cameraman: Yeah, and risk my life for you.
Wendy: Is he okay?
LeChitzo: Oh he'll be fine, he just needs to walk it off.
Wendy: In other news: Mt. Fuji has erupted killing everyone in Tokyo. The death toll is in the ten millions. Scientists are puzzled by the eruption and weren't expecting it.
LeChitzo: Also, in other news, Barack Obama was black today.
Wendy: And now this just in. A meteor the size of the moon is headed towards htraE, which is Earth spelled backwards, and will impact in five minutes.
LeChitzo: And now to Sonny Raines with the weather.
Sonny: If you take a look on our weather map; there are storms everywhere in the entire world. Most notably the hurricanes in Florida, the typhoons in China and the blizzards in England. Back to you.
LeChitzo: On the lighter side, 12 puppies were saved from a burning- What was that? They.... Oh my God. 12 puppies died in a burning building.
Wendy: It will be okay... Now to LaShawn Peters with sports!
LaShawn: The biggest story of the day is that the Cubs have won the World Series.
Wendy: Thanks for watching New 98 1/2. I hope you have a wonderful day!
LeChitzo: A huge meteor is hitting Earth, do you think they'll have a good day?