Noob Holocaust

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 
J says: to stick to its original morales we cant stop more noobs from re-joining
J says: it goes against the ?pedia way
Duncan says: we need to change them then
J says: wooo
Duncan says: no noobs legislation
J says: re-defining morales
J says: one of my favourite past-times
Duncan says: its so cool
J says: high quality tosh only
Duncan says: yeah
Duncan says: "we're not uncyclopedia - but if something's claerly shit, then it's shit"
Duncan says: "we're not funny - but if you're not you can fuck right off"
Duncan says: etc
Duncan says: you get the idea
J says: "We love well structured and thought out random shit"
J says: "just write what whatever you want and hit the save button...after careful editing and consideration of presentation"
Duncan says: "one is not amused by your puny Prepubescent attempt at prose"
J says:"Omg Yew are t3h mj0r No0ewbz0r!"
Duncan says: "anyone suspected of being a noob will be banned, shot, and then investigated"
J says: Murdered, banned, and fined. In that order.
Duncan says: unless seppy hasnt been laid in a while - in which case you can go ahead and add rape to that list, though after murder
Duncan says: this is going down in the law book
J says: you mean your poorly set out notepad document that is barely visible through the miilions of open porn tabs?
J says: "Feel free to post a hilarious one liner! Just don't expect to live to tell anyone about it."
Duncan says: this is going to be new site law
J says: "You a noob? We can ban you faster than you can type l33t"
Duncan says: (stragglers will be killed
J says: "Random? Yes. Tolerant of minorities? Think again, bitch."
Duncan says: (noobs qualify as a minority)
Duncan says: (technically)
J says: "we support newbies. We cull noobs."
Duncan says: "take the next left after GTFO"
J says: we could have a whole page of these
J says: "We don't hate long as you don't suck balls"
Duncan says: "liam that includes you"
J says: "Wanna mash your face all over your keyboard and post it? Your a freak! Go away."
Duncan says: hahahahaahaha
Duncan says: that actually made me lol
J says: "If you mention the names of personal friends in any articles, we will find that friend and stick their head up your arse"
Duncan says: "so you like to reference yourself in articles eh? well we like to redirect your msn to your mum's porn site"
J says: "Before you vandalise, consider this...we have guns and maps"
Duncan says: "trolls beware: we are the two girls from two girls one cup"
J says: "And YOU are the cup"
Duncan says: "we're not harsh, we dont kill noobs, we just tie them up and force them to eat each other between rapings"
J says: "If that qualifies as killing...then i guess we do kill noobs. We also lie alot."
Duncan says: "men with beards, so long as they're not noobs, rock"
J says: "One of our admins was convicted of man-rape. Wanna risk pissing off the wrong admin?"
Duncan says: "we know what you wanked over last summer"
J says: "Have pity? PAHAH!"
Duncan says: "you put the nob in noob"
J says: getting a bit abusive now
J says: remember, these are laws, not just cruel and demeaning comments
Duncan says: same difference
J says: "I fucked your sister"
Duncan says: law stipulates this is the case
J says: "Before you post ANYTHING, consider whether you are worthy. Let me help. You are not worthy."