Not A Convocation

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“Dude, what's a convocation?”

“Dude, what's a conversation?”

“Dude, what's a cow?”

- Some other guy other than that other guy

“Dude, what's a cow doing in my backyard?”

- Some other guy other than that other guy other than that other guy on on my cow

Side note

That dude's not literally on my cow, if you know what I mean...

"Dude, what's a convocation?"
"Well, according to the dictionary, it's a NOUN. It's pronounced con-vo-kay-shun."
"What is it?"
"Weeel, *snork snork* it has two meanings! Ooh, isn't that exciting? *snork snork*."
"Shut up you."
"Here are the two meanings *snork snork*"
1. a large assembly of people.
2. the action of calling people together for a large formal assembly
"OH, shut up."
"But you *snork* ASKED!"
"Do you know what SARCASM is?"
"Hmm...let's go look it up".
''the use of irony to mock or convey comtempt''

(Grabs axe)