Not possiblity

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Not possibility is the opposite of possibility. Or perhaps the not opposite of not possibility. Or perhaps it is just what it is: Not possibility.

Not possibility describes the link made between truth and fact. One is false, while the other is falser.

That sentence contained three instances of not possibility: Truth, fact and other.

Why are these things not possibility?

Because it is not possible for them not to be not possibility words.


Not possibility?

I dont understand this strange word, that you are speaking?

If YOU ARE THAT GUY! then, this guidebook is not for you. It's for me, since i bought it, but i might be able to part with it for per se, 20 doolahs.

Seemingly which, i'll give you an un-hint to tell you how to spot the un-differences. Not possible, right? No.

Not possibility is the correct term given to something that doesnt exist, but yet exists, like you know its not there but you think its there?

You know what?


That proves you didn't know what.

That, my friend, (or un-friend if you are my not possible friend), is not possibility.

It can make the difference betweeen life and death, for example in the sentence:

I am going to die. that sentence contained no not possibilities.

Now, let's add one word in.

I, one word in, am going to die. That doesn't make sense, because if you die after one word, and the first word was I, how'd you write the rest?

Now, you don't understand anymore.

Well, anyway i think i do

And if you do, my coffee is ready.

Ohh dear it's cold. But that doesn't make sense, as coffee is supposed to be hot.

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