O.K. Feces

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O.K. Feces Corporation (known simply as O.K. Feces) is an American retailing company found in Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1918 as the Modern Dry Goods Company. In 1945, the company opened its first O.K. store in nearby Rosebill. It grew, eventually engulfing the entire town and much of the surrounding landscape, culminating in the company changing its name to Feces in 2000.

O.K. Feces is the second-largest retailer in the United States, behind Walmart. The company is ranked 30 on the Fortune 50 as of 200 and is a component of the Standard Index. The company licenses its trade to Yoyodyne, owners of the separate Feces Australia chain.

On January 13, 2011, O.K. Feces announced its expansion into Canada. The company will operate 100 to 150 stores in Canada by 2013, through its purchase of leaseholds from Canadian chain monkeys.

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